This is your brain…

… in orange juice. Here is another lingering elderberry syrup image in my OJ. Most of the time, the dollop of syrup swirls in mysterious ways and sinks, but sometimes I get an image that stays long enough for a picture. Mind blown.

Talented paws

This is Missy. Missy is waiting for me to take the ball and throw it. Missy has been holding that ball there, staring at me, for a full minute. This is not an accidental picture. This is full demonstration of the foot control the dog has learned. When I’m seated, she will put the ball next to my leg, and use her foot to tuck it in so it doesn’t move. At first I thought it was accidental foot movements. Clearly, it is not.

Missy holding a ball on the arm of a chair

Cat Catalog

We have our trail cam set up where we are trapping feral cats, to see who we aren’t seeing when we are out there looking. Our local cat shelter said to expect double the number of cats in a colony than are seen. I can see how that would be the case, as there are pictures of cats that I have not seen with my own eyes. What makes cataloging difficult is that there are at least two long haired torties, one or two (or more) short haired torties, several black both long and short haired, at least one tabby, at least one orange, as well as the neighbor’s cats that I know are fixed. The big flame point is easy to spot, and he seems to be unique in the colony. There are also cats that don’t show up on the trail cam. Different territories maybe?

Starting a cat image catalog

It might stay

Yup, I still have holiday lights up. Sort of. I just really, really like the solitary deer against the backdrop of the woods. That the lights give it an ethereal look makes me happy. I had every intention of unplugging it and storing it out of sight, but then I see it at dusk. It might stay up all year.

Lighted deer decoration

New journal

It is the little things: fuzzy blanket, cat on lap, fresh new journal. Ah. It took me almost a year to fill up the last journal. Maybe life will be calm enough that I get a full year into this one.

New journal (with leaves!), cat, fuzzy blanket (with leaves!)